Tel: 0044 (0) 1337 830814 opt 2
Pro Shop,
Ladybank Golf Club,
Ladybank, Fife, KY15 7RA.
Tel: 0044 (0) 1337 830814 opt 2
INCLUDES FREE - Strength and Weakness Diagnosis
Sandy is a Fully Qualified PGA Fellow Professional and has completed the prestigious “PGA Director of Golf” course.
He also holds the accolade of being the only tutor in Scotland currently on the P.G.A.National Diploma programme in ‘golf coaching’.
Sandy has worked with and alongside some of the best players and coaches in the world. These include, David Leadbetter, Peter Cowan, Denis Pugh, Nick Faldo, Gary Player, Steve Elkington and many more.
and the Expertise to Instantly improve his client`s ability to play this great game. Ensuring the clients needs are met in each coaching session is at the forefront of Sandy's approach.
His philosophy is simple, he delivers individual, tailor-made golf lessons with the long-term in mind; therefore the client aims for a lasting solution instead of a quick fix.
Sandy has a Passion for Golf
- Email/Text video of coaching lessons
- Written `practice plan` with drills to work on between lessons
- Telephone and Email support
- V1 app with ability to send video of swings to Sandy for analysis/feedback
- End of season review of progress
Golf Coaching

Golf Coaching Testimonials

Daniel Young
2015 South African Amateur Champion
Danny Young winner on the EuroPro Tour of The Eagle Orchid Scottish Masters 2019 after leading for 3 rounds at Macdonald Spey Valley Resort.
P.G.A. Fellow Professional
& Consultant to the P.G.A.
in Golf Coaching.